Friday 7 March 2014


Dear vegetable Kale. I have given you a good bash. 1. Steamed with lemon juice and pepper (errrrgghk), stir fried with soy and ginger (vomit), steamed and then placed on pizza with garlic and cheese (tolerable, but not really tasty). You are tough, rubbery, stringy and bitter. Apparently you have super powers, but I'm sorry, the affair is over.

Monday 22 April 2013


No nonsense chocolate brownies (Gluten free)

1 can black turtle beans or kidney beans (Australian made if possible, low food miles)
3 eggs (free range or organic or backyard)
1/2 cup of sweetener such as stevia, xlitol or other stuff not cane.
3 tablespoons of raw cacao (fair trade is good)

optional extras that I like innit - walnuts or pecans, sometimes a few dates are good or some dark chocolate and orange are good.  I made some with Inca berries or you could use chocolate goji berries and I put a bit of spice in it too - like all spice or cinnamon.

Mix it all together and bake in square brownie type baking dish (or whatever is clean, lol)

Bake for 20 -30 mins.  Test it with sharp implement such as a skewer or fork, if its still too gooey and sticks then its not quite ready.  But it depends on how you like it cos I find when it cools down it gets crispier.

Too delicious, the beans make it moist and cake like.  Really good, trust me.

Oh and then if you can wait that long you might like to make a nice icing/frosting.  I use nuttelex margerine and stevia with lemon or orange juice for the icing and maybe for zest as well.

Too noice

Sunday 7 April 2013

Whole lotta love handles

Whilst your significant others and some chubby chasers may claim that love handles were made for hanging onto, the facts are they are pesky.  They make it hard for noice jeans to slide up past your thighs and skirts can make you look lumpy.  Of course you need some for belly dancing and other such bump&grind dance steps and a bit of voluptiousness is very desirable.   I mean I'm not an advocate for jutting hip bones or sharp little elbows and halitosis ( a symptom of starvation) but here it is, its about balance I suppose.  So, who are your bodacious body role models?

I will always love Marilyn Monroe, who would be considered plus size today, aint that stoopid!   I lerve Anna Paquin's bod and ummmm, who else?  oh yeah, Mel B is got a great bod, Salma Hayek in From Dusk til Dawn ( a la snake charmer), Betty Page (va va voom),

Strong is the new black.  Fit not fat and never skinny.  What's wrong with good old trim, taught and terrific.
A fine example of Aussie alliteration.



Well it's been fun but I'm saying 'so long bingo babies'  It's time you left the nest and went out and made me some money - time to pay the rent!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Dust Bunnies

Ok, the Dust Bunnies are fluffy, but they are not cute,  like easter bunnies or family pets, they are quite virile little ferals that cover your exercise machines like blue green algae down in the Murray River.

They are bad for your health!

If inhaled they can cause serious sneezing, eye watering and nasal congestion when using exercise gadgets after long periods of inactivity. Although unused and rusting exercise equipment and other such props are MAGNETS for these bunnies, they are contagious!  I have found them hiding under my bed, in between the computer keyboard, on the bed head (cough, wheeze).


Obviously they hate to be disturbed from the natural habitat so the best way to stop the rapid multiplication of these critters is to make it uninhabitable for them.   So use it or lose it!

I did have fun on my exercise machines and I love fitness gadgets and I'm keeping a few and always on the lookout for more (did I say online shopping?).  But the others...........sadly but with a new years resolution echoing faintly in the distance, I sold them online, gave some away and cleaned up those dust bunnies and their stinky little lairs.

I did buy a new gadget though, HULA HOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sister is waiting patiently for it in case the dust bunnies come back.  She can wait.  I LOVE my new thing!

Photographic evidence of Dust Bunnies welcome here.

Sunday 24 March 2013

lonesome exercise gadgets

I've had the ab twister, doer, bender, blender, slider, groaner, moaner etc and they just end up as etc hangers for my messy room.  I bought and sold the wii fairly quickly and just sold off a fancy contraption online.  So limited walkies and swimming costume social phobia  led to an impasse on the exercise frontier which didn't help the slide back down the slippery slope of too hard land.

My newest gadget arrived the other week and I have to say its been a hard slog to get to the place I am now.  I'm talking about that childhood hobby - Hula Hooping!

I have NEVER felt so unco-ordinated in all my life (except when I did Jazz Ballet), I just can't keep that silly hoop up on my hips let alone spinning upright.  And to make matters worse, my 69 year old mother is a bloody legend at it!   And she loves to rub it in too, smart arse.   But I tell you what, it is a blooming marvelous invention, best way to get a sweat up ( other than that other fun thing), and it gets your whole body pumped.  So many bruises later and I have a result, I can keep it up and orbiting nicely.

I'm hoping this is the one.

Will be posting some photos for the before and after segments.  Meanwhile you can amuse yourselves with a little vid I made.

why whinging weightloss?

I started this blog to out myself as a couch potato and to keep a record of my whinging weightloss journey.  The reason I called it that is because I have to drag myself kicking and screaming into any kind of energetic and motivated mood and I can come up with a number of excellent excuses and complaints to sabotage my goals.  So hence this blog was born and with a humorous take on my fear of change of any kind, I set forth my whinges herewith.   So a bit about me.   When I was a kid I was obsessed with horses and rode, groomed, fed, talked and ran after horses all day and night.  Then I got over horses (shock horror gasp) and became obsessed with learning the guitar and outside life went down hill from there.........I sat around strumming guitars and composing deeply melancholic songs, all hunched over my guitar with my wild hair hiding my face from the world.  This method of guitar playing was completely the wrong way to hold the damn thang and so I have a rather nasty case of 'frozen shoulder' which is kind of an rsi type thing.  So why is this relevant?  Well its the first of my complaints, I am out of alignment and my hips are uneven and then one leg is shorter than the other which leads to painful feet when I try to power walk.  There you go, its quite a realistic problem.

So walking is difficult and jogging is out of the question and I don't ride mad horses anymore.  I quite like swimming, but am pretty slack in getting and finding large bodies of water even though its just a bus ride away to the nearest pool or a dip in a small harbour inlet.

Well that's enough of a welcome committee for now!